To investigate an issue with DocuShare, increasing the logging level to DEBUG (temporarily) may be necessary and then replicating the steps to reproduce the issue to allow more data to be captured in the logs.
To investigate a DocuShare issue:
1. Set logging level to DEBUG for the subsystem / affected components of DocuShare that are having an issue.
To set logging level to debug:
a. Log in as admin.
b. Click Admin Home | Services and Components | Logging. The Logging page is displayed.
c. Select DEBUG from the drop down menu of the affected subsystem / components.
2. Reproduce the steps to replicate the issue if applicable.
3. Open the \logs directory and review the appropriate log files. Common examples are the Monitor (for startup issues), Database, DocuShare Server and Index server, etc.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on the installation environment the path may vary.
Note: Depending on your issue, the logs that you should review may be different.
Note: Occasionally, some errors are new and may require a patch or an upgrade to a new DocuShare version.
4. Contact DocuShare Support for a permanent solution to any unresolved DocuShare issues by filling out the following webform
DocuShare Support is committed to providing a timely resolution to your issue, and as a result all issues must be logged via the hotline or web form to ensure your issue is addressed in the order in which they were received.
Note: The DocuShare Support Desk may request additional logs, configuration files and other information for Troubleshooting.
Solution Published: May 20, 2022
Solution ID: 1378