To manually log into the SQL Database to test the connection:
Note: This will only be done for Databases that were already created, if you are installing MSDE at the same time as installing DS then this will not work.
Note: When conducting the manual login test it is very important that you use the exact same information that you will use in DocuShare for the database connection. This manual test will allow us to verify that the settings correct and would allow DocuShare to access the database.
Warning: Manually editing the DocuShare database outside of the DocuShare APIs is not supported.
· To do a manual MSDE connection test (if applicable):
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Type osql –S hostname\instance –Usa –Ppassword and then press Enter.
Where hostname, sa, and password is replaced with your database connection information.
Note: Database name is not needed in MSDE.
Note: Instance most commonly only used in MSDE installations, if you have MSDE installed you will see it running in the lower right hand corner in the system tray with a green arrow next to it. If you run your mouse over it you will see \\hostname\instance name... use this information for connecting to the database.
Note: The user account must be a SQL account, sa for example. A Windows local or network account will not work.
c. If you successfully log in you will see 1> displayed.
Note: If you do not see 1> displayed then the information specified to connect to the database is incorrect. Verify the information with the Database administrator and verify you can manually log in via this procedure before trying to install DocuShare again.
d. Type exit and press Enter.
· To do a manual SQL connection test (if applicable):
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Type osql –S hostname –Usa –Ppassword –d database and then press Enter.
Where hostname, sa, password and database is replaced with your database connection information.
Note: The user account must be a SQL account, sa for example. A Windows local or network account will not work.
c. If you successfully log in you will see 1> displayed
Note: If you do not see 1> displayed then the information specified to connect to the database is incorrect. Verify the information with the Database administrator and verify you can manually log in via this procedure before trying to install DocuShare again.
d. Type exit and press Enter.
osql servername\instancename –U sa
Once you hit enter you will be asked for a password. If it successfully authenticates you will be presented with a 1>
-U defines the user account. In this case sa is being used.
Solution Published: March 24th, 2014
Solution ID: 1465