Caution: Migrating data from DocuShare 2.2 to 4.00.02 can take several hours. You should schedule the
migration after business hours. The complete migration path to DocuShare 6.5.3 will most likely take several days.
· Valid support agreement for DocuShare 6.5.3.
· Contact DocuShare Technical Support Desk at 1-800-835-9013 to have your user added to the
DocuShare 2.2 Access Group and the DocuShare 4.0.x Access Group on the
Note: If you do not have a user account on the site then you will need to
create one before contacting DocuShare Technical Support Desk.
To Migrate from DocuShare 2.2 to DocuShare 6.5.3:
1. Verify that SP1 & SP2 are installed on your 2.2 Server
To display the version and Service Packs installed:
From the DocuShare 2.2 server,
a. click the About DocuShare link in the lower left corner of the Homepage.
Caution: If SP1 & SP2 are not listed on the page they will need to be installed before proceeding to step 3.
For detailed instructions on how to install Service Packs click the How To Install Service Packs on DocuShare 2.2 link listed at the bottom of the page.
Note: DocuShare 2.2 Service Packs from the following location
2. Download the DocuShare 2.2 utilities
The DocuShare 2.2 Utilities are available at
3. Backup the DocuShare 2.2 Server
Use your standard backup procedure to back up DocuShare 2.2
Note: The following files are required in a minimum site backup:
· Xerox\DocuShare\documents directory
· Xerox\DocuShare\templates directory
· Xerox\DocuShare\metadata directory
4. Install and run the utilities on the DocuShare 2.2 Site
a. Extract and install the 2.2 Utilities by doing the following:
· Place the .pyc in the DocuShare /commands directory.
· Put the .bat (NT) or script file (has no extension) (Solaris) in the DocuShare /bin directory.
Note: On the Solaris platform you must manually set the environment variable DSHOME to the
DocuShare installation directory or from a /bin/csh shell, source the DocuShare/bin/setup_docushare script.
Note: You should be logged in as root.
b. Open a command prompt window and change into the Xerox\Docushare\bin directory
Note: To see a display of the usage of a utility type the use the –h switch.
>check_trash_status -h
Usage: check_trash_status [-f] [-v] [-o]
-f Fix trash status of objects different from root container.
-o Message output file.
-v Verbose: show properties of problem items.
When the check_trash_status utility is run on the site or a container handle that has not been deleted, it lists deleted objects.When the check_trash_status utility is run on the trashcan or a container in the trashcan, it lists objects that have not been deleted.
c. Type check_trash_status -f -o check_trash_status.log -v site and press Enter.
Note: Items in the Trashcan are not copied to the new 4.00.02 server. Trashcan items MUST be Restored to their collections or Expunged prior to migrating data between the servers. The next command will expunge the items in the trashcan.
d. Type dsexpunge all -q and press Enter.
e. Type litterbuster -o litterbuster.log -x and press Enter.
f. Type dscheckup -r -f -o dscheckup_fix.txt and press Enter.
g. Type capture_orphans Collection-xx and press Enter.
Where xx is replaced with the Collection handle that you want to send the orphans to if the utility finds any.
h. Type max_proplengths and press Enter.
Note: If any properties are flagged as being too long you need to run the DocuShare 4.x utility to extend the destination server’s property value.
5. Install the Migration tool on the DocuShare 2.2 Server (available with DocuShare 4.00.02 full installer package)
Caution: Before starting the migration procedure the DocuShare 2.2 server MUST have Service Pack 1 & 2 installed, ALL Utilities in Step 4 must be ran and the site must be set to Read-Only.
Note: The migration tool does not migrate any customized VDF files to your DS 4.00.02 server. The files must be merged for 4.00.02.