Note: This solution is valid for DocuShare versions 4.x, 5.x and 6.x
Note: This solution should only be performed by an administrator.
Note: The steps provided below should be followed in order.
Note: The examples provided in the steps are based on SQL 2005 screens, but other versions should be similar.
1. Backup the DocuShare Database Files
Note: The backup of the database files and the documents directory must be done at the same time so that the information contained is in sync.
Note: Please contact Microsoft for additional information on backing up the database.
From the MSDE (DocuShare Server),
a. Stop the DocuShare service by using either the stop_docushare command line utility or stop DocuShare if you are running it as a service by using the Services Administrative Tool.
b. Stop the MSDE service by using the MSDE Service Manager or by using the Services Administrative Tool.
c. Use your standard backup procedure to back up the Docushare.mdf and the Docushare_log.LDF files that are contained in the --/MSDE/Data/MSSQL$DocuShare/Data directory.
Note: The installation directory for MSDE may or may not be the same on all servers depending on your particular installation.
2. Verify TCP/IP Enabled in SQL
From the SQL Server,
a. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager
b. Expand the SQL Server Network Configuration and Select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
c. Verify that TCP/IP status is Enabled
3. Enabling Windows and SQL Authentication Mode
From the SQL Server,
a. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Manager
b. Highlight your SQL Server and right-click on Properties
c. Select Security, under the Server Authentication Heading
d. Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode (Sometimes labeled Dual or Mixed Mode depending on the version of SQL)
e. Click the OK Button to apply the changes.
4. Attach the Database files
a. On the new SQL Server, attach the Docushare.mdf and the Docushare_log.LDF files that you backed up in Step 1.
5. Verify Full Text Indexing is Enabled
From the SQL Server,
a. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Manager
b. Highlight your SQL Server and right-click on Properties
c. Select Files, under the Place a Check Mark in the Use full-text indexing checkbox.
d. Click the OK button to apply the changes.
6. Manual OSQL (Check Database)
Note: This test is mimicking what DocuShare is trying to do when it connects to SQL. It is very important that you are able to successfully log into SQL using the OSQL command before you proceed to Step 7, because if you proceed to Step 7 without the proper login information for DocuShare it will not be able to connect to the database and DocuShare will not start.
From the DocuShare Server,
a. Click Start | Run. The Run window will be displayed.
b. In the Open: field type cmd. The cmd.exe window will be displayed.
c. Type OSQL -S servername -Usa -Psa and then press Enter.
Where servername = the host name of the computer, -U = database User name, -P = database Password
Note: If you installed an instance in SQL for DocuShare you will need to use the following command OSQL -S servername\instancename -Usa -Psa
d. If you have logged into SQL successfully then 1 prompt will be displayed.
7. Connecting DocuShare to the new SQL Server's Database
Note: DocuShare will need to be stopped to perform this solution.
From the DocuShare Server,
a. Click Start | Run. The Run window will be displayed.
b. In the Open File: field type cmd. The Command Prompt window will be displayed.
c. At the command prompt type cd Xerox\Docushare\bin
Note: Your install directory information may be different than the example above. However, the dssetup command will be located in the bin directory in your installation.
d. From the bin directory type dssetup and press Enter.
e. Confirm all the entries by pressing Enter until you get to the Database Types