Note: This applies to Acrobat X1 and Internet Explorer 8 and 9.
PDF documents are opening in the Internet Explorer web browser.
1. Open Internet Explorer, and choose Tools | Manage Add-ons.
2. Under Add-on Types, select Toolbars And Extensions.
3. In the Show menu, select All Add-ons.
4. Select All Add-ons from the Show menu in the Manage Add-ons dialog box.
5. In the list of add-ons, select Adobe PDF Reader.
Note: If you do not see the Adobe PDF Reader add-on, try the other options on the menu. For example, on some systems, the add-on appears when you select Run Without Permission.
6. Click the Enable or Disable button (it toggles depending on the status of the selected add-on):
· Enable sets the Adobe PDF Reader add-on to open PDFs in the browser.
· Disable turns off the add-on so it does not open PDFs in the browser.
7. Select Adobe PDF Reader, and click the Enable/Disable button.
Note: Please refer to the Adobe website at _ to obtain the most current information. Search for display pdf browser in acrobat xi. If necessary, contact the vendor directly for additional information.
Note: Please refer to the Microsoft website at _ to obtain the most current information. Search for topic Using the Internet Explorer 8 Add-on Manager or How to manage add-ons in Internet Explorer 9.
Solution Published: June 17th, 2013
Solution ID: 1330