Note: This issue has been replicated on DocuShare Client build 6.0.6 & 6.0.7 mapped to DocuShare 6.00.01 & 6.5.2 and on Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007.
When using the Windows Client to Open a .msg Document Object we are receiving the following errors.
Microsoft Office Outlook:
The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using
Add the .msg extension to the following registry setting:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xerox\DocuShare Client\DsClient\Settings]
The default data value is .eml;.zip;.cab. Change the data value to .eml;.zip;.cab;.msg
To add the .msg extension registry setting:
1. Click Start | Run | regedit
2. Browse to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xerox\DocuShare Client\DsClient\Settings
3. Double click ShellExecuteTypes in window pane on the right. The Edit String window will display.
4. In the value data field add ;.msg then click the OK button.
Example: .eml;.zip;.cab;.msg
5. Close the registry editor
6. Try opening the .msg document object again.
Solution Published: March 17th, 2010
AR 0023070 : SPAR 60117