Unable to open or preview certain document from DocuShare Outlook Client (DSOLClient).
A Microsoft Excel pop up window displays the following error:
Excel cannot open the file ‘****.xlsm’ because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
A balloon pop up is displayed next to the DocuShare Windows Client Icon in the System Tray stating the following:
DocuShare Client Stopped Content Retrieval.
Retrieval of file ‘*****.xlsm’ was stopped, because the file type is not allowed for Outlook 2007/2010 content download. See Release notes on how to enable it.
Reason / Possible Cause
This is a known issue documented in the DocuShare Windows Client (DSClient) Release Notes.
Some files contain no content when copied from a DocuShare collection using MS Outlook 2007.
The mail integration, by default, does not download content data for files of the types not shown below.
Note: The list does not include .pdf for earlier releases of the DocuShare Client, and that with 9.0.5, the list does include .pdf. That is because the new version of Adobe Reader (version 9) includes a built-in preview support for Outlook.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
Warning: Back up the Registry file before editing the file. Changes made to the Windows registry can cause the operating system to stop functioning and may require reinstalling Windows.
To force the DocuShare Client to download for a file type not shown above, add the registry entry below, and append the file type specification to the list (with a semicolon separation).
1. Open a registry editor (in this example regedt32 was used)
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xerox\DocuShare Client\DSCMS\Settings
3. Right-Click Settings and select Create a String Value | New |String Value.
4. Name the string value PreviewableFile.Extensions
5. Double click PreviewableFile.Exensions string value. The Edit String window displays.
6. In the Value data field add the file extensions as the Value data.
For example: .txt;.rtf;.pdf;.jpg;.doc;.xls;.ppt;.xlsx;.pptx;.xlsm
Note: The extensions are case sensitive so if there are documents that have upper case file extension you may need to add both upper case and lower case extensions in the Value Data. Ex: .docx;.DOCX
7. Click OK.
Solution Updated: July 22nd, 2013
Solution ID: 947