When attempting to generate a Glyphscan Cover Sheet the following error is displayed:
DSWebServlet DSException error code = 0
Message: PaperUI.ops
The Xerox\Docushare\logs\Monitor.log file shows errors related OpenOffice.
10 juil. 2009 11:14:06 [main] ERROR -
MonitorServerImpl.callStartOnServers: caught RemoteException exception
calling conversion
10 juil. 2009 11:14:06 [main] ERROR -
MonitorServerImpl.callStartOnServers: RemoteException exception
java.rmi.ServerError: Error occurred in server thread; nested exception
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader
Manually change the home directory path to Open Office in DocuShare
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution
Note: This solution requires that you stop DocuShare
To manually change the path to Open Office:
1. Stop DocuShare
2. Open Windows Explorer
3. Browse to the Xerox\DocuShare\config directory
Note: The path to the DocuShare home directory may vary depending on your install environment.
4. Make a copy of the converters.xml file and rename it converters.xml.orig
5. Open the converters.xml file in a text editor such as Notepad
6. Search the file for the entry
7. Change the Open Office Home Directory entry to proper path for your install environment.
C:\Program Files\ 2.4
8. Save the changes
9. Restart DocuShare
10. Try generating a Glyphscan Cover Sheet again