The customer is responsible for installing and maintaining computer virus scanning software. Most antivirus software will block some ports or Web services. These applications should be configured to allow DocuShare to use the SMTP port (25), HTTP on port 8080, and RMI on 1099. Such programs do not usually block the other ports used by DocuShare. Check for blocked ports if there are problems with DocuShare functioning as expected.
If your organization's security policy allows:
- Configure the anti-virus application to only scan the DocuShare documents repository \documents. This is the directory containing all document content files stored in DocuShare.
- Configure the anti-virus application to scan files during Writes operations to the \documents directory. Disable scanning files during Read operations (or on-access scanning) for improved performance.
- Deselect scanning outbound files
- Configure the anti-virus application to Exclude the DSHOME directory (ex: C:\Xerox\DocuShare\).
- Exclude the IDOL index content directories if not in DSHOME (\IDOLServer\IDOL\content\)
- Exclude the CIM watch folders.
- Exclude the .MDF and .LDF files from SQL Server directory (if installed on the same server).