The following message is displayed in the \logs\Monitor.log file.
Waiting for DSWebServlet
The tomcat and dsserver logs display the following error: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Reason Possible and/or Cause
Port 8005 may be in use by another program causing Tomcat to not be able to bind.
Find out what program is using the port and change it if possible.
Note: For detailed instructions on How To Determine Which Process is Using Which Port Number click the solution link listed below.
Change the port tomcat uses to a port that is not in use.
To change the Tomcat Ports:
1. Open a Command Prompt Window and change into the \bin directory.
2. Type dssstup and press Enter.
3. Type y when the Would you want to update the configuration? [yes] ? is displayed.
4. Press Enter to accept each of the settings in square brackets.
5. When the Tomcat port configuration information is displayed change the value to a port that is not in use.
6. Press Enter to finish the update and the DocuShare command line configuration tool -- success! message will be displayed.
Solution Published: October 31st, 2011
Solution ID: 959