Scanning Log
Rather than having a maximum file size, the Scanning Log records a maximum of 10,000 scan jobs. When the maximum is reached, ConnectKey starts another log, but preserves the previous log. There is one current log and one previous log.
The Scanning Logs are located in <dshome>\tomcat\webapps\connectkey\tmp.
To view recent scan activity and download the log, in CSV format, of all scan jobs.
1. From the Administration menu, click Services and Components | ConnectKey For DocuShare | Logs |Scanning Log.
2. Click Download Scanning Log as CSV File.
3. Select either Open with or Save File to a specific location.
To set how many scan jobs are displayed on the Scanning Log page.
1. From the Administration menu,Services and Components | ConnectKey For DocuShare | Logs | Scanning Log.
2. On the Scanning Log page, select a quantity from the Page Size menu.
3. Click Update.
To set the maximum number of scans recorded in the log before ConnectKey creates another log
1. From the Administration menu, Services and Components | ConnectKey For DocuShare | Logs | Scanning Log.
2. On the Scanning Log page, in the Log Size field, enter a quantity, in kilobytes.
The default is 10,000 kilobytes; enough for approximately 10,000 scan log entries.
We recommend that you leave the setting at the default, or set it higher during initial ConnectKey setup. Reducing the log size after you have registered devices and deployed buttons will delete existing log file entries.
3. Click Update.
Server Log
By default, the Server Log has a maximum file size of 1MB. When this maximum is reached, ConnectKey starts another log, and preserves the previous log. For a running ConnectKey, there is one current log and one previous log.
The Server Logs are located in <dshome>\tomcat\webapps\connectkey\log directory.
To set the server logging level for ConnectKey.
1. From the Administration menu, click Services and Components | ConnectKey For DocuShare | Logs | Server Log.
2. Select a log level from the Logging Level menu. We recommend keeping the level at INFO.
Note: See Logging Level table below.
3. Click Save.
To download the ConnectKey Server Log.
1. Click Download Log File.
2. Select either Open with or Save File to a specific location.
Server logging levels
Logging Level |
Meaning |
Logging is off. |
Logs severe errors that most likely lead to the application immediately shutting down. If selected, only FATAL messages are logged.
Logs information regarding serious runtime errors, or unexpected conditions, that need to be addressed as soon as possible. These errors may result in unstable application behavior, but in most cases, the application will continue to run. If selected, ERROR and FATAL messages are logged.
Logs unexpected events that might not shut down the application, but if left unattended, could lead to potentially harmful situations. These events could include deprecated APIs, “almost errors” (such as almost out of disk space), and other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily an “error.” If selected, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages are logged.
Logs informational messages, at a coarse-grain level, regarding application progress and state; such as startup and shutdown. Useful to an administrator for managing a site. If selected, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages are logged. |
Logs a fine-grain level of informational events that are useful in debugging the application. If selected, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages are logged |
Logs finer grain information than does the DEBUG level. If selected, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL messages are logged.
Logs all levels, including custom levels.
Solution Updated: February 22, 2017
Solution ID: 1428