Note: This applies to ConnectKey for DocuShare 1.5.x.
When attempting to delete a ConnectKey device it fails.
Reason / Possible Cause
When attempting to delete a ConnectKey device, DocuShare tries to communicate with the MFD to remove the ConnectKey for DocuShare button on the MFP. If the device is no longer accessible on the network deleting the device will fail.
1. Log into DocuShare as Admin.
2. Select Admin Home | Services and Components | ConnectKey for DocuShare | Configure Device.
3. Select the device you would like to remove and click Edit.
4. From the Edit Device Settings page, place a checkmark in the checkbox labeled Device Behind Firewall? and then click Delete Device. This should delete the device without attempting to contact the device.
Note: Older legacy versions of ConnectKey did not have the device behind firewall option. If the option is not available on the version you are running, notify DocuShare customer support.
Solution ID: November 3, 2017
Solution ID: 1914