When trying to configure ConnectKey via Admin Home on a site that uses an IIS Bridge an Error 404 File Not Found message is displayed.
Note: If Tomcat port is not disabled and you try to access the page with the tomcat port it will work fine.
Example of the error:
HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found
Reason / Possible Cause
The Connectkey add-on does not work with IIS bridge by default. Requires manual edits
The Links in the Admin Home | Services and Components | ConnectKey are using the /connectkey servlet not what the DocuShare server is configured to use.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Browse to the \tomcat\conf\ntiis\ file.
Where is replaced with path to the tomcat bridge on your server. If the IIS Bridge was manually installed the location will be C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\conf\ntiis\ if the bridge was installed using the IIS tool the location will be C:\Program Files\Xerox\Docushare by default.
Note: If needed, you can verify the path to the IIS bridge in your environment, by clicking Start | Run | typing regedit and pressing Enter. Then view the contents of the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0].
(Default) (value not set)
extension_uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
log_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\logs\isapi.log
log_level emerg
worker_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\conf\ntiis\
worker_mount_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\conf\ntiis\
Note: If the iistool was used to install the bridge then the path will point to C:\Program Files\Xerox\Docushare…. by default.
3. Make a copy of the file and name it
4. Open the file in a text editor.
5. Add the following entries to the file.
6. Save the changes.
7. Restart IIS.
8. Try accessing the page again.
Solution Updated: October 8th, 2014
Solution ID: 1450
AR 0028891