Note: This applies to Internet Information Server (IIS)7.
Note: This applies to DocuShare 6.x, 6.5.x, 6.6.x, and 7.x
The DocuShare auto login feature allows Windows domain authentication to handle DocuShare login authentication. By default, this feature is disabled.
To use auto login, you must configure your Internet Information Server (IIS) and enable the DocuShare auto login feature.
When using auto login, make sure the DocuShare server usernames are the same usernames that are authenticated by the web server. For example DocuShare username being the same as network username.
Note: Auto Login is not compatible with Logout user after minutes of inactivity.
Verify in Administration Menu | Site Management | Account Policies to make sure Logout user after minutes of inactivity is disabled and Allow user to remain logged in is enabled before enabling Auto Login.
• The Windows Authentication Role must be installed in IIS.
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
1. To configure IIS 7 (to use Auto Login for the DocuShare Site) do the following :
a. Click Start | Programs| Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
b. Click the [+] sign next to Default Web Site.
c. Select Jakarta and then double-click the Authentication icon on the right-hand side of the window.
d. Right-click Anonymous Authentication and select Disable.
e. Verify Windows Authentication has the status is listed as Enabled.
Note: If the Windows Authentication is set to Disabled, then right-click Windows Authentication and select Enable.
f. Restart IIS. (Right-click Default Web Site, highlight Manage and select Restart)
2. To configure the DocuShare Server to use Auto Login do the following:
a. Log into DocuShare as Admin.
b. Click Admin Home | Site Management | Site Configuration. The Site Configuration page displays.
c. Select Yes next to Enable Auto Login.
d. Under Strip Remote User Domain setting select Yes or No depending on which option is applicable in your environment.
Note: The Strip Remote User Domain setting is used in conjunction with the Auto Login feature and multiple DocuShare domains features. Microsoft IIS and IE send the remote_user variable in the form domain\username.
Yes - Enabling Strip Remote User Domain removes the domain name from the remote_user variable and logs the user into the matching username account in the default DocuShare domain. So remote_user=username
No – When this feature is disabled, the user’s Windows domain/username must match both the user account name and the internal DocuShare domain name (Domain name is case sensitive). So remote_user=domain\username
Note: The domain name listed in DocuShare must match the domain listed when pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and locking a user's pc (the domain name is case sensitive). For example: If the domain is listed as
Domain1\username then the Domain listed in DocuShare must be listed as Domain1 not domain1.
e. Click the Apply button.
3. Set the default login domain
See the article on How to set the default login domain in DocuShare 7
Note: If the DocuShare server has been configured for auto login with the steps listed above, but it is still not working check the following Internet Explorer Browser settings on the client machine.
• Add The DocuShare Site to the Local Intranet Zone.
• Enable Automatic Login with Current Username and Password.
• Enable Integrated Windows Authentication. (This must be configured if using the Integrated Windows Authentication option in the DocuShare Windows Client)
To configure the options in Internet Explorer do the following:
a. Open Internet Explorer.
b. Select Tools | Internet Options. The Internet Options page displays.
For Edge browsers, open Control Panel | Network and Internet | Internet Options.
c. Select the Security tab and in the Select a zone to view or change security settings box select Trusted Sites.
d. Select Local intranet.
e. Select the Sites button. The Local intranet window displays.
f. Select Advanced.
g. In the Add this website to the zone field enter the URL for your DocuShare Server. Example:
h. Click the Add button.
i. Click the OK and Close buttons.
j. From the Security tab, select the Custom level… button. The Security Settings – Local Intranet Zone window displays.
k. In the Settings box scroll down to the bottom under User Authentication, select Automatic login only with current username and password.
l. Click the OK button.
m. Select the Advanced tab.
n. In the Settings box under the Security section place a check mark in the checkbox labeled Enable Integrated Windows Authentication*.
o. Click the OK button.
p. Click the OK button.
If you are using Internet Explorer, close Internet Explorer and reopen it.
q. Try accessing the DocuShare site.
Solution Updated: October 31, 2016
Solution ID: 619