• Install .NET Framework 3.5 Features. If your DocuShare server has a higher version of .NET installed it should also work.
To install .NET Framework 3.5 (or higher) features:
a. Open Server Manager | Add Roles and Features. The Add Roles and Features Wizard window displays.
b. Under Features section, select .NET framework 3.5 features and click Install.
• Install Internet Information Service 8 (if not previously installed).
Note: Verify that ISAPI Extensions & ISAPI Filters were added when IIS was installed. This can be found in Server Manager | Add Roles and Features | Server Roles section under Web Server | Application Development.
To manually bridge IIS 8 and DocuShare:
Note: You must be a Windows Administrator to perform this solution.
1. Modify the file (If Required)
Note: Most installations do not require that this file be modified.
The <DSHOME>\tomcat\conf\ntiis\ file will also need to be modified if one of the following conditions exists:
• If the DocuShare server is located on a different server than the IIS Server (the host information would need to be changed).
• The Port number used for tomcat is not the default 8009.
To modify the file (if required):
a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Browse to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\conf\ntiis\ file.
c. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.
d. Search for the following entries.
e. Verify the values listed for port, and host display the correct information for your installation environment.
f. Save the file.
2. Modify the file
To modify the file:
a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Browse to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\conf\ntiis\ file.
c. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.
d. Add any web sites that IIS needs to serve to Tomcat:
Note: All entries that are added to the file must be in lowercase even if your installation environment uses uppercase. For example the fully qualified host name must be added as
Lines listed in red in the example below were added to the file via copy and paste of the example that exists in the file and then modifying them to suite your installation information.
Note: All examples listed (, hostname, IPAddress and localhost) are not necessary, add lines appropriate for your installation environment. Each new entry has 2 lines.
# Default worker to be used through our mappings
# Sites to be redirected to Tomcat
■ docushare is the root of your DocuShare website
■ server is replaced with your server name
■ is replaced with your domain information
■ hostname is replaced with your DocuShare server’s hostname.
■ IPAddress is replaced with the DocuShare server’s IPAddress.
e. Save the file.
3. Modify and run the iis_redirect.reg file
To modify and run the iisredirect.reg:
a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Browse to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\conf\ntiis\iis_redirect.reg file.
c. Open the iis_redirect.reg file in a text editor such as Notepad.
d. Modify the paths to suit your environment.
Note: The lines listed in red below should point to the path for your DocuShare installation.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0]
b. Save the file.
c. Run the iis_redirect.reg file by double-clicking on iis_redirect.reg or right-clicking and selecting Merge.
(This will enter the registry values to tell IIS where the necessary configuration files are located file and the file.)
Note: If needed, you can verify that the registry was successful, by clicking Start | Run | typing regedit and pressing Enter. Then view the contents of the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0].
(Default) (value not set)
extension_uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
log_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\logs\isapi.log
log_level emerg
worker_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\conf\ntiis\
worker_mount_file C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\conf\ntiis\
Note: If the iistool was used to install the bridge then the path will point to C:\Program Files\Xerox\Docushare…. by default.
4. Add the Jakarta virtual directory to IIS
To add Jakarta:
a. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
b. Right Click Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory. The Add Virtual Directory window displays.
c. In the Alias: field type jakarta.
d. In the physical path: field click the … button to browse to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native directory.
Where <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native is your actual tomcat directory path typed out. For example, C:\DocuShare\tomcat\bin\native.
Warning: If you are running a 64-bit server environment you will need to point to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64intel or <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64amd depending on your environment.
e. Click the OK button.
f. The Jakarta virtual directory should now be listed under the Default Web Site.
5. Add the ISAPI filter (isapi_redirect.dll) to the IIS server
To add the ISAPI filter:
a. Using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click Default Web Site. The Default Web Site Home page displays.
b. Double-click the ISAPI Filters Icon on the right hand side.
c. From the Actions menu on the right hand side, click the Add link. The Add ISAPI Filter window displays.
d. In the Filter name: box type jkfilter.
e. In the Executable: box type or click the … button to browse to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll file.
Warning: If you are running a 64-bit server environment you will need to point to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64intel\isapi_redirect.dll or <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64amd\isapi_redirect.dll depending on your environment.
f. Click the OK button.
6. Allow the isapi_redirect.dll
To allow the isapi_redirect.dll:
a. Using Internet Information Services, click the Server Name.
b. Double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions icon on the right hand side of the screen.
c. Click the Add link from the Actions menu. The Add ISAPI or CGI Restriction window displays.
d. In the ISAPI or CGI Path: box type <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll.
Warning: If you are running a 64-bit server environment you will need to point to the <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64intel\isapi_redirect.dll or <DSHOME>\tomcat\bin\native\iis64amd\isapi_redirect.dll depending on your environment.
e. In the Description: box type jakarta redirector.
f. Place a checkmark in the checkbox for Allow extension path to Execute.
g. Click the OK button.
7. Edit the Handler Mapping
To edit the handler mapping:
a. From the Jakarta virtual directory, open handler mapping.
b. Right-click ISAPI-dll and select Edit Feature Permissions. The Edit Feature Permissions window displays.
c. Under the Permissions: heading place a checkmark in the following checkboxes:
• Read
• Script
• Execute
d. Click the OK button.
8. Restart Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager
To restart IIS:
a. Click the Server Name.
b. From the Manage Server menu on the right hand side of the page click Restart.
Note: IIS 8 has a default upload/download limit. For detailed instructions on how to modify the limit, click the Unable to Upload Large Files To DocuShare solution link listed at the bottom of the page
Solution Updated: December 3, 2020
Solution ID: 1288