Note: Before registering a new MFP, make sure the device is supported for use with ConnectKey for DocuShare and is EIP enabled. A list of supported MFPs is available through your sales representativeor online at
- From the Administration menu, click Configure Devices.
- On the Configure Devices page, click Register a New Device.
- In the Device Label field, enter a friendly name for the new MFP.
- In the Device IP/Hostname field, enter the network address, either an IP address or a DNS hostname, of the device.
- In the Device Username field, enter the administrator username for the device.
- In the Device Password field, enter the password for the administrator entered in the Device Username field.
- Click Show Advanced Settings if the new device cannot connect to the default ConnectKey server IP/Hostname; possibly because the device is connected via a VPN tunnel with a NAT address.
In the Alternate ConnectKey Server IP/Hostname field, enter an alternate server IP or
Hostname. The device will now use this address, instead of the address entered in the Device IP/Hostname field, to connect to the ConnectKey server.
- In the ConnectKey Buttons area, select the ConnectKey buttons that you want to appear on the new device touch screen.
Note: The only choices displayed on this page are the ConnectKey buttons that you created in the button gallery. Selecting a button displays on the device touch screen all of the folder and scan buttons that you created under the selected ConnectKey button.
- When you are finished, click Add to register the device and deploy the selected buttons.
Note: The first time a deployed button is pressed requires several seconds of initialization while it communicates with the DocuShare site.
Solution Published: December 10th, 2013
Solution ID: 1419