Note: This solution applies to DocuShare 7.0.
Note: You must be a Windows administrator to perform this solution.
Note: Before making any changes, back up the existing files.
You must have a logo image that is 316 x 21 pixels.
Note: If you are not using the svg image format, you will see low resolution logos on high resolution devices. For example, you would need a 2x logo served on a high-resolution device for png, gif and jpeg logos.
To change the Xerox DocuShare logo:
The files are located inside webapps/docushare/themes/ folder and there are 5 themes: blue, clean, green, purple, and random. If your site is using DocuShare Enterprise Edition for example, you would edit the /theme/blue/docushare_enterprise.css file
Option 1: Overwrite the existing .svg files with your new .svg image file.
This process does not require that you make any .css edits, but the image must be a .svg.
1. Backup your original .svg files before making any changes.
2. Save your 316 x 32 pixal .svg logo file to the \tomcat\webapps\docushare\themes\blue\images directory and overwrite the original .svg file. For example, in an Enterprise Edition of DocuShare you would overwrite the branding_docushare_enterprise.svg file for each of the color themes.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path for DocuShare is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
Note: The default theme is blue. However, because themes can be set at the user account level more than one theme may be used on your DocuShare site.
3. Now add the same logo file to all other theme images folders:
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/clean/images/mycompanylogo.png
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/green/images/mycompanylogo.png
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/images/mycompanylogo.png
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/random/mycompanylogo.png
4. Refresh your webpage after making changes and saving them to see the changes displayed in DocuShare.
Note: You may need to stop and start DocuShare to see the changes.
Option 2: Use a .png, gif or jpeg logo files
Note: The preferred method is to use option 1.
This process will require additional edits to .css files and the images will display as low-resolution logos on high resolution devices.
1. Backup your original .svg files before making any changes.
a. Save your 316 x 32 pixel .png, .gif or .jpeg to the \tomcat\webapps\docushare\themes\blue\images directory. For example: mycompanylogo.png.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path for DocuShare is C:\Xerox\Docushare. Depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
Note: The default theme is blue. However, because themes can be set at the user account level more than one theme may be used on your DocuShare site.
b. Now add the same logo file to all other theme images folders:
o /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/clean/images/mycompanylogo.png
o /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/green/images/mycompanylogo.png
o /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/images/mycompanylogo.png
o /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/random/mycompanylogo.png
2. Edit the .css file to point to the company logo file.
Depending on what the version is (education, enterprise, cpx, quicksearch, etc.) you need to edit the appropriate file for your installation: docushare_cpx.css, docushare_education.css, docushare_enterprise.css, or docushare_quicksearch.css
The files are located inside webapps/docushare/themes/ folder and there are 5 themes: blue, clean, green, purple, and random. If your site is using DocuShare Enterprise Edition for example, you would edit the /theme/blue/docushare_enterprise.css file
a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Browse to the \tomcat\webapps\ROOT\themes\ directory.
Example: C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\webapps\docushare\themes\blue
Note: A DocuShare site may be using multiple themes because a theme is a user account setting not a site setting. Therefore, it is recommended that you change the docushare_enterprise.css file on all five themes to have a consistent look on your DocuShare site.
c. Open the docushare_.css file in a text editor such as Notepad. Example for an Enterprise Edition of DocuShare: docushare_enterprise.css
d. Make the changes outlined in the example below.
Search for the following entry:
header__top h1 a{
background: url(images/mycompanylogo.png) no-repeat 0 0;
Note: You do not need to edit the height and width declarations in that section.
f. Now edit the docushare_enterprise.css file in all other themes just like you did for the blue theme css file:
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/blue/images/docushare_enterprise.css
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/clean/images/docushare_enterprise.css
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/green/images/docushare_enterprise.css
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/images/docushare_enterprise.css
· /tomcat/webapps/docushare/themes/purple/random/docushare_enterprise.css
Note: You may need to stop and start DocuShare to see the changes.
Solution Published: September 13, 2019
Solution ID: 2002