Note: This applies to DocuShare 7.
To decrease the row height:
Open Windows Explorer.
Browse to the \tomcat\webapps\\themes directory.
Where is replaced with the installation directory for DocuShare. The default installation path is C:\Xerox\Docushare. However, depending on your installation environment the path may vary.
Make a copy of the docushare.css and rename the copy docushare.css.old.
Open the docushare.css in a text editor such as Notepad.
Insert the code example below to the end of the file in each theme.
Save the changes to each file.
Restart DocuShare.
Note: It is recommended that you also add a comment similar to the following example before pasting the code into the file.
Comment example:
/* 97940 reduced Row Height to more resemble DS 661 */
Code example:
.table-collection td, .table-collection th{
padding: 1px 5px !important;
.table-collection th.checkbox,
.table-collection th.icon{
width: 10px !important;
padding: 3px 0 !important;
.table-collection td.checkbox,
.table-collection td.icon{
width: 10px !important;
padding: 0 0 !important;
.table-collection th.actions_th_nomore,
.table-collection td.actions_th_nomore{
width: 120px !important;
min-width: 120px !important;
.table-collection th.generic,
.table-collection td.generic{
width: 60px !important;
min-width: 60px !important;
Solution Published: October 25, 2016
Solution ID: 1822