Duplicate Email Notifications are Being Received
A collection has a notification enabled to alert recipients when an event is triggered. However, when the notification is triggered users are receiving duplicate emails from the same event.
1. Verify if all the recipients are receiving duplicate emails.
If not all users are receiving the duplicates, focus on the accounts profiles in question. For example, are they a member of multiple groups, are they set to receive forwards from the subscription To Field Address in Email Notifications address, etc.?
· If only one recipient is receiving duplicate notification, verify the following:
A. Check the Maximum Recipients per Email Value.
i. Log into DocuShare as admin.
ii. Click Admin Home | Services and Components | Subscription. The Subscription page displays.
iii. In the Maximum Recipients per Email field verify what the value is.
If the maximum number is exceeded another email notification is sent.
B. Check the To Field Address in Email Notifications value.
i. Log into DocuShare as admin.
ii. Click Admin Home | Services and Components | Subscription. The Subscription page displays.
iii. In the To Field Address in Email Notifications field verify what the value is.
This value specifies the email address used for the default value of the To field in out-going emails notifications. This field can be left blank unless your mail system is configured to reject email messages that include empty To fields.
2. Check the spamOK= value subscription.properties file.
a. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the \config directory.
b. Make a copy of the Subscription.properties file and rename the copy Subscription.properties.orig.
c. Open the Subscription.properties file in a text editor such as Notepad.
d. Seach for the following entry:
e. Change the entry value to spamOK=no if its set to yes.
Definitions of the spamOK settings are as follows:
· spamOK=yes- allow multiple-subscription messages for each recipient per transaction.
· spamOK=no - ONLY one subscription message for each recipient per transaction.
f. If the duplicate emails are still being sent, set the subscription service logging level to debug, reproduce the issue and continue to troubleshoot the issue.
Solution Published: July 24th, 2012
Solution ID: 1159