Unable to check out documents using the DocuShare Windows Client (DSClient).
The following error message is displayed:
“the selected file may not be edited, it is either an executable or a file not permitted for editing"
Reason / Possible Cause
The check-out protocol for the file type is set to none (file is uneditable) in the DocuShare Client Settings.
Verify that the check out protocol for the file type is not set to none (file is uneditable).
To verify the check out protocol:
1. Right click on the DSClient icon in the system tray and select DocuShare Client Settings. The DocuShare Client Properties window displays.
2. Select the File Types tab.
3. In the Available types in Explorer area, highlight the appropriate file type.
4. Once file has been selected, under the File type details section in the Check out using drop down menu verify check-out using protocol is set to ODMA, OLE or process monitoring.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Try checking out a document again.
Solution Published: December 10th, 2012
Solution ID: 1241