When trying to generate a new scan coversheet the following message is displayed.
Informational Message: No Content Info.detail.no_content
This may occur if the conversion service is not in working properly.
1. Stop DocuShare
2. Start DocuShare
Note: Restarting DocuShare is the preferred method for recovery when the conversion service has stopped/crashed.
Note: If restarting DocuShare is not an option, you can try restarting the conversion service by using the dsservice start conversion command line utility. This option should only be used if the preferred method (restarting DocuShare is not an option).
3. Wait for the DocuShare Service to start completely. Once DocuShare is started you should be able to access its webpage.
4. Try creating a scan coversheet again.
Note: If you still receive an error when trying to create a coversheet then contact DocuShare Technical Support
Note: If the conversion service does not remain running and needs to be restarted frequently then contact DocuShare Technical Support so that the root cause of the issue can be investigated.
Solution Updated: September 30th, 2012
Solution ID: 606