Glyphscan jobs stopped appearing in the DocuShare destination Collection. Event queues are all normal, but the watch folder is piling up with documents. If you check the SMB shared folder that DocuShare watches there will be a folder called DOC.LCK.
The \logs\Smbscan.stdout file displays the following at every polling interval:
03 Feb 2012 14:17:58 - [Thread[Thread-65,5,main]] - INFO - isLocked() j=0 DOC.LCK/ before checking
03 Feb 2012 14:18:58 - [Thread[Thread-65,5,main]] - INFO - isLocked() j=0 DOC.LCK/ before checking
03 Feb 2012 14:19:58 - [Thread[Thread-65,5,main]] - INFO - isLocked() j=0 DOC.LCK/ before checking
03 Feb 2012 14:20:58 - [Thread[Thread-65,5,main]] - INFO - isLocked() j=0 DOC.LCK/ before checking
Reason / Possible Cause
The .LCK folder was not deleted by the scanner for some unknown reason. Could be a communication problem or permissions issue. Once the folder locks, creates the .LCK file, the directory and will not allow DocuShare to pull any more documents until its removed.
Delete the .LCK folder, then DocuShare should start pulling the documents in, processing them, and placing them in the DocuShare destination Collection again.
Solution Published: February 7th, 2012
Solution ID: 1051
Keywords: isLocked
Glyphscan Jobs Are Not Appearing in the DocuShare Destination Directory