Description has tags around it in the body of the email when using Email notification of event(s) in Content Rule.
The description of the changed document is:
Test p Slash p code
This document has been stored in DocuShare CPX and can be found at http://yourDSsite/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-195/document.pdf
After setting up a Content Rule for Email Notification of events and adding a Document with something in the Description field, the email notification received has the following text referring to the Description enteredas you:
The description of the changed document is:
Test Slash p
Reason / Possible Cause
This is due to the WYSIWYG Editor.
You can do one of 2 things to not have the Description appear in the email without the code wrapper:
1. Remove the check mark from wysiwyg checkbox when uploading a document
a. From the Add menu, select Document | click the Go button (after a content rule is in place). The Add Document page displays.
b. Select Add Document By Uploading a document now option.
c. In the Filename field click the Browse button to select the document you want uploaded.
d. Type a title in the Title field.
e. Enter text in the Description field.
f. Remove the checkmark from the wysiwyg checkbox.
g. Fill in any other fields required.
h. Click the Apply button.
Note: This method is effective, but the wysiwyg must be deselected each time. Changing this setting does not affect any other options in DocuShare. It removes the
code when the Description is included in the Email Notification.
2. Disable the WYSIWYG Editor
a. Log in to DocuShare as admin.
b. Click AdminHome | Site Management | Site Configuration. The Site Configuration page displays.
c. Select No next to Enable WYSIWYG Editor.
Note: Changing this setting is a site wide change and can affect other Objects such as Wikis and Weblogs.
Solution Published: June 19th, 2013
Solution ID: 1338