The solution provided below tests sending a mail message via telnet (manually) to the SMTP Server in your environment. The test should be done from the DocuShare Server.
· You must be an Windows or DocuShare Administrator to perform this solution
· You must have the IP address of the SMTP server you will be connecting to and the port number used.
· You must have a valid email address to test with.
NOTE: This is to test the ability of DocuShare to send mail without facing any restrictions on the mailserver.
To manually test SMTP connection on Windows 2003:
1. Open a command prompt window
2. Type telnet and then press Enter
3. Type set localecho and press Enter
4. Type open machineIP 25 and press Enter
Where machineIP is the ipaddress of the SMTP server and 25 is the port number.
5. Type helo me and press enter
6. Type mail from: and press Enter.
7. Type rcpt to: and press Enter
Where is your email address.
8. Type Data and press Enter
9. Type Subject: This is a test and pres Enter and then Enter again
10. Type Testing and press Enter period (.) Enter
11. Type quit
12. Check your email application to see if you received the test message.
To manually test SMTP connection on Windows 2000:
1. Open a command prompt window
2. Type telnet and then press Enter
3. In Windows 2000 only, type set local_echo and press Enter
4. Type open machineIP 25 and press Enter
Where machineIP is the ipaddress of the SMTP server and 25 is the port number.
5. Type helo
NOTE: There are a few e-mail servers that need to use ehlo instead
13. Type mail from: and press Enter
14. Type rcpt to: and press Enter
Where is your email address.
15. Type Data and press Enter
16. Type Subject: This is a test and pres Enter and then Enter again
17. Type Testing and press Enter period (.) Enter