Problem Summary
When all members of a routing group are deleted and then added again, the group's tasks will be skipped in new Route.
1. Create a routing slip with the recipient group included.
2. Delete all members from the group and then add them again.
3. Perform Route on any collection with the routing slip created above.
4. Add some documents to this collection to trigger the workflow of the Route.
You will notice that all tasks of this group will be skipped.
Known Limitation
If the members of this group have not been completely removed, this issue will not occur.
This is a known limitation.
Do not remove all users from the associated group.
The routing slip (workflow template) is created with distinct workflow tasks for each member of the nominated user group. Each task includes the id of the group in its naming. As members are removed from the group the workflow is updated to remove their individual tasks.
When a member is added to the group the system attempts to add a new task to the template BUT the only way it can locate the workflow template to update is via the presence of an existing user task that is named with the associated group id.
If all members are removed from the group then all related tasks are removed from the workflow template and it can no longer be located to update.
Avoid 'emptying' a group that is used in workflows when changing its membership (perhaps by the presence of a common user like 'admin').
Reference ID 49493 49608