When creating a content rule for a Routing event trigger, the following application event types are available to refine the event.
Acknowledged | All or majority of recipients acknowledged |
Approved | All or majority of recipients approved |
Completed | The routing task is complete |
Deleted | The routing task owner deleted the task |
Delivered | Recipients were informed (Information routing action) |
Disapproved | All recipients disapproved |
Escalation Reminder | The escalation reminder was triggered |
Overdue | Routing task is past its due date |
Recipient Acknowledged | One recipient acknowledged |
Recipient Approved | One recipient approved |
Recipient Disapproved | One recipient disapproved |
Recipient Removed | One recipient was removed from the task |
Recipient Reviewed | One recipient reviewed |
Reviewed | All or majority of recipients reviewed |
Started | The routing task started |
Terminated | The routing task initiator stopped the task |
Solution Published: July 4, 2016
Solution ID: 1788